Aminad is #9 on the WBJ Corporate Philanthropy List for Small Business
We are very excited to announce that Aminad recently received the Washington Business Journal Corporate Philanthropy award as one of the top ten small businesses in the DC area for Corporate Giving. We ranked 9th on the list, with approximately $40,000 of contributions to charitable organizations in the DC-area. Aminad President and CEO, Lido Ramadan, shared some words about the award and what it means to the company.
“I was proud to share our story, and how important it is for us to support organizations that mean something to all of our employees. When I used my parents’ names to create Aminad, generosity and kindness were the values I wanted us to live by. They taught me about generosity through the giving of their time and their resources to those who needed it most. I hoped that one day Aminad would have the ability to embody those values and to share the stage with other companies and leaders who are making a difference. With this award, that dream began to come true.”